Saturday, June 20, 2009


Saw the mice looking twice as nice
as the day they moved away.
Hats, gloves, and stockings,
after backrubs and unblockings...
of their micey little chakras.
Got to cleanse those little chakras

What pathetic scenes had we,
those three girl-mice and me.
We tensely rode the escalator,
and hid behind the 'frigerator.

With our faces shaken and disturbed,
We hopelessly yelled at the absurd.
We had to cleanse those little chakras!
Had to cleanse those little chakras!

So incredibly obscured were our centers!
How far removed we were from being tender!
And how sketchy was our resolution...
How ambivalent was our conclusion...
to unblock our little chakras.
We had to cleanse our little chakras!

Cleanse these micey little chakras.
Got to cleanse these little chakras.
Got to cleanse these little chakras.
Got to cleanse one's little chakras.