Wednesday, June 10, 2009


What am I seeing?
You and me being
Together as one
Just don't sound too fun!

Yeah, I touched your hand
But let's understand
It don't mean a thing
I just want to be king.

If I take a day
Off to make some hay
While the sun shines in
You'll know where I've been
Do I gotta' be
There when you need me
Wearin' away my shoulder?
If I were bolder
I'd be outta' here
Commitment means fear
An easier feat
Is to lie and to cheat!
So what should I do
'Bout you not lovin' you?
Pretend there's love there?
I don't give a care!
The tricks that I plan
Sometimes hit the fan
Blow back in my face
My morals, disgrace!
So now if you find
That you hate the whole kind
Remember one thing
I just meant to be king!
